Have a nagging feeling that something's not right?
Our kids are always learning. Whether it's tying their shoes or zipping down the slide, there are new things to master around every corner. However, sometimes it seems those little things are harder for your child. What may come easy for the other kids just seems to take longer for your child to figure out. Stacking blocks or writing her name is more difficult for her. His shoes are always on the wrong feet and he just doesn't notice. Buttons and zippers are too hard, or maybe she falls down all the time, or perhaps he just can't sit still. Maybe they're not just picky eaters, maybe all of this is pointing to something more...
We get it. We really do.
We've been seeing great kids like yours for over 20 years.
When it comes to your child, you are the expert, but even experts need support now and then. This is what we do. We walk beside you and your child and help you first understand what is going on, and then teach strategies to overcome, adapt, and generalize new skills so that change will happen in your every day life.
At Blackbird Therapy Group we love saying "hello" to new families and coming alongside them on their journey. But our greatest hope, and everything we work for, is to say "goodbye", to see all the connections come together and your child has learned to fly.
Giving kids help, families hope, and a community that believes in them.

Contact us by text, phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
TEXT or CALL: 303-472-1746
EMAIL: tia@blackbirdtherapygroup.com